Monday, February 7, 2011

Sense of Direction

I've always known I have a terrible, awful, no-good sense of direction.  It's hereditary; my dad can't find his way around either.  My friends make fun of me.  Other family members make fun of me.  I'd like to think I've learned how to cope over the years.  Right before running out the door to go to a new location (or maybe even a place I've been to three times before), I'll take a picture with my phone of the google map on my computer.  I have almost as many map photos on my phone as pictures of my dog, Cowboy. And that is way too many.  Here is a small selection.

This is pitiful, really.  Three of these locations are on the campus of a college that I have attended for three and a half years now.  At least with this method I can pretend like I'm checking a text message instead of being the second semester senior checking a map.

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